Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe. (06/28/1981)

The people should believe firmly and have no fear. (06/29/1981)

Open your hearts and surrender your lives to Jesus so that he works through your hearts and strengthens you in faith. (05/23/1985)

When you are far from God, you cannot receive graces because you do not seek them with a firm faith. (01/25/1988)

Therefore, little children, believe, and pray that the Father increases your faith, and then ask for whatever you need. (04/25/1988)

I am near to you and I invite all of you, little children, into my embrace so that I may help you; but you do not want it, and so Satan puts you to the test, and in the smallest trifles your faith disappears. (03/25/1995)

Listen, because I wish to speak to you and invite you to have more faith and trust in God who loves you immeasurably. (08/25/1996)

Let your faith be an encouragement to others to believe and to love more. (12/25/2001)

Also today I am with you in prayer: that God gives you an even stronger faith. Little children, your faith is small, and you are not even aware how small. Despite this, you are not ready to seek the gift of faith from God…. Pray, pray, pray; and only in faith, and through prayer, will your soul find peace, and the world find joy to be with God. (08/25/2002)

Little children, at this time, in a special way, I pray before God to give you the gift of faith. Only in faith will you discover the joy of the gift of life that God has given you. Your heart will be joyful – thinking of eternity. (11/25/2005)

Also today I call you to have more trust in me and my Son. He has conquered by his death and resurrection, and calls you that through me you be part of his joy. You do not see God, little children, but if you pray you will feel his nearness. (04/25/2006)

I am with you and incessantly intercede before God for all of you that your faith may always be alive and joyful, and in the love of God. (09/25/2011)

Little children, witness faith with your lives, and pray that faith may grow day by day in your hearts. (01/25/2012)

Little children, be firm in prayer and courageous in faith. (11/25/2015)

Dear children! Today I am calling you to profoundly live your faith, and to implore the Most High to strengthen it so that winds and storms cannot break it. May the roots of your faith be prayer and hope in eternal life. Already now, little children, work on yourselves in this time of grace, wherein God is giving you the grace – through renunciation and the call to conversion – to be people of clear and persevering faith and hope. (02/25/2017)

To believe, my children, means to surrender your lives into God’s hands – the hands of the Lord who created you and who loves you immeasurably. Do not be believers only in words, but live and witness your faith through your actions and personal example. (12/25/2017, Jakov)

Faith makes you live according to what is good and then the light of God’s love always comes at the desired moment. That is the strength which sustains in pain and suffering. (03/18/2018, Mirjana)