These days are the days when you need to decide for God, for peace, and for good. Let all hatred and jealousy disappear from your life and from your thoughts, and let only love for God and neighbour dwell there. (01/25/1993)

I invite you to be apostles of love and goodness. (10/25/1993)

Let good overcome evil. (07/25/1995)

Use every moment and do good. (11/25/1996)

Also today I rejoice with you and call you to goodness… Little children, tell everyone, “I want goodness for you,” and he will respond with goodness, and, little children, good will come to dwell in the heart of each person. (12/25/1997)

Be an example, little children, and an incentive for good. (03/25/2004)

Little children, leave a sign of goodness and love wherever you pass, and God will bless you with an abundance of his blessing. (01/25/2007)

May your life, little children, be a reflection of God’s goodness and not of hatred and unfaithfulness. (08/25/2007)

Be carriers of peace and goodness in this world. (07/25/2012)

And encourage each other in good through prayer. (07/25/2017)