Peace, peace, peace; only peace… Peace must reign between man and God, and between all people. (06/26/1981)

Dear children, without prayer there is no peace. Therefore, I say to you, dear children, pray at the foot of the cross for peace. (09/06/1984)

Dear children, by your own peace I am calling you to help others to see and begin to seek peace. (09/25/1986)

I wish to invite you all to God’s peace. I want each one of you to experience in your heart that peace which God is giving. (06/25/1987)

Live peace in your heart and in your surroundings, so that all may recognize the peace which does not come from you but from God. (12/25/1988)

Today I call you to pray in a special way and to offer up sacrifices and good deeds for peace in the world. Satan is strong and, with all his strength, tries to destroy the peace which comes from God. (10/25/1990)

Therefore, pray that the Lord of Peace may protect you with his mantle and that he may help you to understand the greatness and the importance of peace in your hearts. In this way, you will be able to spread peace from your hearts throughout the whole world. I am with you and I intercede for you before God. Pray, because Satan wants to destroy my plans of peace. Be reconciled with one another, and by your lives help peace to reign upon the whole earth. (12/25/1990)

God alone is peace. Therefore, approach him through your personal prayer and then live peace in your hearts; and in this way peace will flow from your hearts like a river into the whole world. Do not speak about peace, but make peace. (02/25/1991)

At this time peace is being threatened in a special way, and I am seeking from you to renew fasting and prayer in your families. Dear children, I want you to grasp the seriousness of the situation and that much of what will happen depends on your prayers. (07/25/1991)

I invite all those who have said “Yes” to me to renew their consecration to my Son Jesus, and to his Heart, and to me, so we can take you more intensely as instruments of peace in this unpeaceful world. (04/25/1992)

I invite you to open the door of your heart to Jesus as a flower opens itself to the sun. Jesus desires to fill your hearts with peace and joy. Little children, you cannot realize peace if you are not at peace with Jesus. Therefore, I invite you to Confession so that Jesus may be your truth and peace. (01/25/1995)

I invite you, little children, to become peace where there is no peace and light where there is darkness, so that each heart accepts the light and the way of salvation. (02/25/1995)

I invite you, little children, to be my joyful carriers of peace in this troubled world. Pray for peace so that as soon as possible the Era of Peace, for which my heart waits impatiently, may reign. (06/25/1995)

The fruit of peace is love and the fruit of love is forgiveness. (01/25/1996)

Dear children! As a mother I beseech you, do not go on the way you have been going. That is a way without love towards neighbour and towards my Son. On that way, you will find only hardness and emptiness of heart, and not the peace that everyone is crying out for. Genuine peace will only be had by the one who sees and loves my Son in his neighbour. In whose heart my Son reigns, that one knows what is peace and tranquillity. (03/18/1997, Mirjana)

I pray for you and intercede for you before God so that you may understand that each of you is a carrier of peace. You cannot have peace if your heart is not at peace with God. That is why, little children, pray, pray, pray, because prayer is the foundation of your peace. (06/25/1997)

Yearn for peace and seek it. (12/25/1998)

Pray for peace; pray for peace; pray for peace! (06/25/1999, Ivanka)

Only in God is there true peace. Open your hearts and become people who give the gift of peace. Others will discover peace in you and through you, and in this way you will be a witness of the peace and love which God is giving you. (01/25/2000)

I call you anew, little children, pray and fast so that God may give you peace. (09/25/2001)

Little children, you are chosen to witness peace and joy. If there is no peace, pray and you will receive it. Through you and your prayer, little children, peace will begin to flow through the world. That is why, little children, pray, pray, pray, because prayer works miracles in human hearts and in the world. (10/25/2001)

Little children, pray for peace so that every person on earth would feel love towards peace. (09/25/2002)

I desire to give you peace, and that you carry it in your hearts and give it to others until God’s peace begins to rule the world. (12/25/2002)

Particularly now when peace is in crisis, you be those who pray and bear witness to peace. Little children, be peace in this unpeaceful world. (01/25/2003)

Peace is a precious gift from God. Seek, pray, and you will receive it. Speak about peace and carry peace in your hearts. Nurture it like a flower which is in need of water, tenderness and light. Be those who carry peace to others. (02/25/2003)

Little children, seek and work with all your strength for peace to win in your hearts and in the world. (05/25/2006)

Decide for God, little children, and you will find in God the peace your hearts seeks. (09/25/2006)

He who is the King of Heaven and earth, he is your peace. Little children, no one can give you peace as he who is the King of Peace. Therefore, adore him in your hearts, choose him and you will have joy in him. He will bless you with his blessing of peace. (12/25/2006)

Pray and work so that your heart yearns for God the Creator who is the true rest of your soul and your body. May he reveal his face to you and may he give you his peace. (07/25/2008)

Today I call you all to pray for peace and to witness it in your families so that peace may become the highest treasure on this peaceless earth. (04/25/2009)

Little children, be blessing and be peace. (12/25/2010)

Pray, little children, and witness so that in every heart, not human but God’s peace may prevail, which no one can destroy. It is that peace in the heart which God gives to those whom he loves. By your baptism you are all, in a special way, called and loved; therefore, witness and pray that you may be my extended hands to this world which yearns for God and peace. (12/25/2011)

Heaven is with you and is fighting for peace in your hearts, in families and in the world; and you, little children, help with your prayers for it to be so. (12/25/2016)

But, children, your hearts are restless. Sin is preventing you from opening yourselves completely to grace and peace which God desires to give you. To live peace, my children, is to first have peace in your hearts and to be surrendered completely to God and to his will. Do not seek peace and joy in the things of this world, because this is all passing. Long for true mercy and peace which come only from God; and only in this way will your hearts be filled with true joy; and only in this way will you be able to become witnesses of peace in this peaceless world. (12/25/2016, Jakov)

Dear children! I am carrying to you my Son Jesus who is the King of Peace. (12/25/2018)

My children, as a mother, as the Queen of Peace, I am calling you to accept my Son… Accept him, and you will have peace in your soul, you will spread it to all those around you; and this is what you now need the most. (03/18/2019, Mirjana)

I am praying with you for peace which is the most pre-cious gift. (06/25/2019)